I found this image particularly captivating and fell in love with the shape of the dress. I wondered if it would be able to glide if it fell from a high enough height, it had a crispy sense of rigid aerodynamics that I liked. I played around with the upper shape and it soon became a set of wings.

This was a ring that I had made previously whilst first getting into making my own settings. A technique called for ultra long wires which you used to form the setting and then trimmed the excess. I liked the cone like structure and so experimented with using it as a feature.

Continuing my recurring theme of transformation the voyager was born. I borrowed the extended setting from before and added some wings inspired from the dress.

I was not happy with the pointy end so I rounded it out and experimented with a different finish that had a kind of engine oil greasy feel to it.

A second version was made, where I added slightly bigger wings with a better overall form and added a sense of movement and forward direction to the shank.