My sister came home one day with this henna design of a sun, which reminded me of a compass and so I wrote the following which created the tone and direction for the piece.
The sun drew a compass,
and we followed.
The dirt made us strong,
and the layers of crap made us shine.
The circle of life is infinite,
our paths already intertwine.
and we followed.
The dirt made us strong,
and the layers of crap made us shine.
The circle of life is infinite,
our paths already intertwine.
So this made me think of flow, movement and direction and what might influence and take ones eye east bound, or north bound or at a stand still.

I then went on to play with the Star Trek logo and modified it playing off the angles and exploring open spaces and their opposite. For some reason I think the shapes on the north side direct your attention and so north bound it is.

Eyes start off at either north and south and then are pulled away into a parallel choice.

Eyes are all over this one, lost, fire up the GPS.

Alone in satin silence, two points guide me home.
I revisited this theme some time later and made this piece. Sticking with the compass theme it has a strong North and South directional focus. The picture doesn't show it really but one side is convincingly longer and so steals the point of focus. I liked the sweeping contours, brisk edges and the overall feeling of continuity and movement that the open spaces gave this piece.